BRMFC Membership
The club has several membership types to suit the needs of current and future members.
Membership Types
- Senior - Full membership. Any person 18 years or over before 1st July.
Has voting rights and gate key.
- Junior - Must be under 18 years of age before the 1st July of the membership year.
No voting rights or gate key.
- Associate - Already belongs to another club affiliated with the MAAA.
No voting rights or gate key.
- Social - Non flying member and therefore does not pay VMAA/MAAA affiliation fees.
No voting rights or gate key.
- Family - Consists of one senior rate plus $10. Family members
must pay VMAA/MAAA fees as specified (Junior or Senior). Applies to immediate family
residing at the same address. Unfortunately there is no family VMAA/MAAA fee arrangement.
To find out what the current fees are for the various member types, open the
Membership Payment
form or if you wish to join BRMFC go to the How to Join
page. (For those who like historical information you can go to Old Payment Forms to see a list of past years' payment forms.) Click
here for further
explanation on how to pay fees.
Membership explained...
- Membership runs from 1st July
through to 30th June of the following
- Half yearly membership is available from 1st
January through to 30th June.
This only applies to new members, existing members must pay for the full year.
- Membership is tied to these time frames because as members of BRMFC (or any other
club) we are automatically affiliated with the MAAA (via the VMAA)
who negotiate a peak body public liability insurance cover for the 12 month period.
The MAAA allows half yearly membership from 1st
January for new members.
- Juniors must be under 18 years of age before the 1st
July of the membership year. A member is considered to be a junior throughout the
membership year if they turn 18 years old on or after the 1st July of
the membership year.
- Annual membership fee consists of the following components:
a) Joining fee (once only unless yearly membership is not continuous).
b) BRMFC fee.
c) VMAA/MAAA affiliation fee.
- Pension rates apply to members holding a Government
concession card with Full Medical Entitlement.
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