Ballarat Radio Model Flying Club Inc.
Friday, 14 March 2025   1:52:56 PM (AEDT)

Inc. No. A0062781D  

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Safety Rules

The following safety rules must be observed when operating Radio Controlled models at the BRMFC flying field. Where appropriate these rules also apply to control line, free flight and model cars.

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(Should there be any discrepancies, the PDF version takes precedence.)

  1. All flyers are expected to use common sense at all times.
  2. All transmitters, when not in use, shall be switched off.
  3. All transmitters operating on the legacy system (i.e. 36MHz, 29MHz etc.) must be certified at least once with each crystal or synthesized frequency and therefore does not apply to 2.4GHz radios.
  4. All flyers operating legacy radios (i.e. 36MHz, 29MHz etc.) are responsible for the proper use and understanding of the frequency key system. The Key Board is to be used at all times. Whilst at the field, your frequency key MUST be in one of two places: (Note: This does not apply to 2.4GHz radios.)
        a) on your transmitter which is turned OFF, or
        b) in the correct slot in the frequency board.
    Storing the key on your transmitter is intended to prompt you to put the key in the frequency board before switching on. This then reduces the chances of inadvertently turning on without your key in the board and possibly ‘shooting down’ another model on the same frequency. Do NOT put the key in your pocket.
  5. No flying over the pit area, car park, roads, buildings or any area behind the recognized flight lines.
  6. When not in use, models and associated equipment are to be kept in the pit area and not on the Flight Line.
  7. Motor running in the pit area is to be kept to an absolute minimum.
  8. All motors designed to take mufflers are to be fitted with a suitable muffler.
  9. All pilots must use the predetermined flight line when flying.
  10. No more than six (6) models are to be in the air at any one time.
  11. No flying is to take place whilst there is maintenance being done to the flying field.
  12. No flying or entry to the flying field is to take place on days of Total Fire Ban unless under special circumstances.
  13. All persons responsible for the operation of a model aircraft must be a financial member of a club affiliated with the MAAA to ensure that they are covered by the MAAA public liability insurance policy.
  14. All MAAA policies governing the operation of model aircraft must be adhered to at all times. (ie. heavy model rules.)
  15. Smoking, as per the Pyrenees Shire Planning Permit, is NOT permitted in Trawalla Estate. Smoking areas will be defined and marked at the Burrumbeet field, but there will be no smoking inside of the outer rail of the race track.
  16. A fire extinguisher must be available in the pits area at all times flying activities are taking place. This rule to apply to all BRMFC flying fields.
  17. Running up of engines to full throttle will not routinely take place in the pits area. However this may occur if the permission of all members within the pits at the time is obtained. This rule to apply to all BRMFC flying fields.
  18. Aircraft must be restrained at all times in the pits when being armed, started and whilst running. This may be by mechanical means or with the help of an assistant. This rule to apply to all BRMFC flying fields.
  19. When in the pits area fixed wing aircraft being armed, started or running must be facing out from the pits and away from any person. This rule to apply to all BRMFC flying fields.
  20. All animals are to be kept on a lead at all times.
  21. Visitors must be signed into the Visitors’ Book at our fields (where a record of visitors is maintained) to ensure compliance with the provisions of the MAAA public liability insurance.
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