Ballarat Radio Model Flying Club Inc.
Friday, 14 March 2025   4:56:29 PM (AEDT)

Inc. No. A0062781D  

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BRMFC Annual Fly-In, Sunday 30 March 2025

Please note: In the interest of fire safety we have to cancel the event should the day be declared a total fire ban in the South West fire district as we do not fly on days of total fire ban. The CFA RSS feed is included on the home and weather pages during the hot weather period.

BRMFC stages an annual fly-In on a date somewhere between February and April starting at 10.00AM and running through to around 3.30PM. (Its always best to try and get there before midday.) Grab the latest advertising flyer  here in PDF format. We try to have the latest one available at least a couple of months before the event. (If the date shown on the flyer above or file date displayed in the tooltip when you hover over the links is for last year then the file is yet to be updated.)

Do yourself a favour and mark the date of our next Fly-In on your calendar. See the Events Calendar for the date of our next event.

As noted above, we have to cancel the event should the day be declared a total fire ban in the South West fire district. If a raffle should be in progress, it will be drawn on the day or as soon as possible thereafter. The winner will notified and posted on the Latest News page.

This is where you get an opportunity to see a vast array of different types of radio controlled model aircraft. The types of models featured varies but usually includes military aircraft from WW1, WW2 and post WW2, civilian aircraft, multi engined and sometimes we manage to have helicopters.

To give the kids some extra entertainment we do two or three lolly drops during the day which has proven to be very popular. A canteen with hot food and hot/cold drinks is available all day at modest prices. (Because we sell food to the public a temporary food permit is obtained from the Pyrenees Shire Council.)

We invite modelers from around the state to join in on the day. Our members then reciprocate throughout the year to help other clubs with their events.

We use this event to promote aeromodelling in the hope that it will attract people to the sport/hobby. It's quite a feeling of achievement to assemble or build your own model aircraft then be able to take it off fly it around and land it back on the runway. It doesn't matter how many times you do it, it still gives you a buzz.

To assist with the preparation of the event we ask pilots who intend to fly to send an email to the Event Director indicating that you intend to enter. As an incentive for other modellers to participate, we always have some give aways, prizes and/or trophies.

If you don't know how to get to our field click here to open the Flying Field location page.

The pictures on the right were taken during the event held on 1st April 2007.

Events Calendar

When you see this sign or one like it up around town you know its on shortly.
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