Ballarat Radio Model Flying Club Inc.
Friday, 14 March 2025   5:13:24 PM (AEDT)

Inc. No. A0062781D  

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Links to some useful aeromodelling & related resources

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Link to web site Title Comments
MAAA Model Aeronautical Association of Australia The governing body for aeromodelling in Australia and is affiliated to the FAI through the Australian Sports Aviation Confederation.
Manual of Procedures MAAA - Manual of Procedures A catalogue of MAAA Procedures, policies and forms in PDF format.
2.4GHz Policy MAAA - 2.4GHz Policy The use of 2.4GHz band equipment for the control of model aircraft is a developing technology. This document outlines the MAAA policy and recommendations for its use. (The link may become invalid if the policy is updated - go to the MAAA web site and navigate to the document.)
VMAA Victorian Model Aeronautical Association Administers Model Aviation in Victoria on behalf of the MAAA and is an excellent reference for all the clubs and Special Interest Groups in Victoria.
VFSAA Victorian Flying Scale Aircraft Association Special Interest Group that promotes the building and flying of scale model aircraft.
FSAAN Flying Scale Aircraft Association of NSW Was started in the interests of furthering the building and flying of scale model aircraft.
APA Australian Pattern Association The official organisation of Pattern (aerobatics) Flying in Australia.
VPA Victorian Pattern Association The official organisation of Pattern (aerobatics) Flying in Victoria Australia. Pattern is a Radio Control activity using aircraft primarily designed for precision aerobatic manoeuvring - and often likened to the Formula 1 category of the hobby.
FAI Fédération Aéronautique Internationale Aeromodelling Commission The FAI Aeromodelling Commission (CIAM) conducts the FAI's aeromodelling and space modelling activities, in particular World Records and International Competitions.
ASAA Australian Scale Aerobatics Associations Special Interest Group that promotes the flying of large scale model aircraft aerobatics.


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GMAA Geelong Miniature Aircraft Association
P&DARCS Pakenham and District Aircraft Radio Control Society
BMMAA Bacchus Marsh Model Aircraft Association
BAMI Ballarat Aeromodellers Incorporated Fly mostly at their home field in Haddon, or on the slopes of the nearby famous Mount Hollowback.
ADAC Ararat & District Aeromodellers Club A 30 member strong model aircraft club situated in Western Victoria at Ararat. The field is under 5km from the center of Ararat, out Warrak Road.
Note: Clubs can be found via the list of state associations on the MAAA State Associations page. Victorian clubs can be found on the VMAA web site.

Commercial - Hobby Retailers

Link to web site/address Title Comments
Harpers Hobbies Harpers Hobbies & Collectables Local (Ballarat) hobby shop for the model train enthusiast. Also R/C cars, helicopters and planes plus an extensive range of paints and accessories.
Tates RcWorld Tates RcWorld Specializes in radio controlled aircraft, helicopters,cars, plastic kits, slot car sets and model trains. Also carry tools, building materials, balsawood, model paints, glues, fuels and thousands of other items in stock at all times.
RCinAUS Radio Control Models in Australia An Online shopping store for model Aircraft, Boats, Cars, Helicopters.
Tower Hobbies Tower Hobbies Based at Champaign, IL, USA, Tower Hobbies is an excellent source of those hard to get modelling items and has a very professional online ordering system.
RC Airplanes Xenon Project International Provides customers with top of the line and easy-to-operate R/C products with an enhanced and satisfying online shopping experience. (Arcadia, CA, USA.)
HobbyKing HobbyKing R/C Hobby Store Online international hobby store with warehouse locations in Hong Kong, China, Germany, Australia and USA.
Pete-n-planes Anthony's Pete-n-planes Australian online supplier of all your Radio Control modelling needs.
Hobby Headquarters The Hobby Headquarters P/L Established since 1982 and one of Australia's leading Importers and Distributors of Hobby Goods. Stock a huge variety of products ranging from radio controlled aircraft, cars, boats, helicopters and classic static scale model ships. For convenience there are links to Dealers in each state including New Zealand.
Wolf Models Wolf Models Wolf Models located in Queensland was established to bring R/C equipment to the modeller at a more realistic price. They claim service and quality products is their goal and only stock products meeting their demands.
Just Hobbies Just Hobbies Just Hobbies specialises in a large range of Hobby items for land, air and sea. Shop located at 1/251 Queen Street Campbelltown NSW 2560 Australia.
Brunel Hobbies Brunel Hobbies Stocks a huge number of products for the hobbyist including model railway track, rail, kits, train sets; die cast models; scenic materials and trees; plastic and wooden kits; airbrushing equipment; slot cars, boats, collectibles and diecast, scenary and weathering products; tools; glues; puzzles and jigsaws, construction products, remote control planes; helicopters and cars. Located at 20 Station Road, Cheltenham Victoria.
Seacraft Gallery Seacraft Gallery - Handcrafted models for timeless value Formed in 2010 in Sydney NSW, Seacraft Gallery has become the go-to place for those in need of handmade wooden ships. They have a team of skilled craftsmen to design and build fully assembled wooden model ships.

Commercial - Hobby Specialists

Link to web site/address Title Comments
Austars Models Austars Model Pty Ltd An Australian based company specializing in the design & manufacture of large scale model aircraft.
SC Models SC Models Supplier of specialized modelling accessories.
RC Flyer RC Flyer RC Flyer is an online hobby store that specialise in electric RC flight products and other RC products to compliment the RC professional.
Mick Reeves Models Mick Reeves Models Radio Control model aeroplanes, kits, plans, parts & accessories - An excellent source for niche scale products (England)
Fiberglass Specialties Fiberglass Specialties World's largest manufacturer of superior epoxy fibreglass engine cowls, wheel spats & accessories.
WorldHobbies.com World Hobbies World Hobbies (a division of and backed by Model Engines (Aust) Pty Ltd) has been created as an on-line facility for the direct selling of a handpicked selection of famous brand premium hobby products.
DL Engines Australia DL Engines and Hobby Australia Australian home of the great value DL POWER Gasoline Model Aircraft Engines from China and the exclusive Australian Distributor for 42 Percent Products USA.
42 Percent Products 42 Percent Products
(Now Take Control Hobbies)
42-Percent-products is a specialist designer & manufacturer of quality Giant scale RC accessories, Glow systems, and battery management systems.
Take Control Hobbies Take Control Hobbies
(Formerly 42 Percent Products)
Amazing products to control your giant scale planes.
42 Percent Products is now Take Control Hobbies, owned and operated by NDI Enterprises, Inc.
modelflight.com.au Model Flight You can purchase online via the web shop, in person at their retail shop in Goodwood SA or over the phone on 08 81864250 with one of the customer service staff members. Model Flight is Australian distributor for JR Radios and is a good source of information on JR products.
Gibbs Guides Gibbs Guides Gibbs Guides offers a growing range of high quality guides to electric power models. You'll also find a range of useful and entertaining electric flight articles here, and much more!
Desert Aircraft Australia Desert Aircraft Australia Support their customers with a great range of specialty products for Giant Scale RC. They strive to provide the best possible service in the hobby and are more than happy to help you get in the air.
Skyview Multimedia P/L Skyview Multimedia P/L Provides Laser cutting, Vinyl cutting, 3D printing services to modellers. Contact Bill on 0414 325 872 or Email

Commercial - Other

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RCM News RCM News Magazine Australian Radio Control Modelling Magazine.
Airborne Airborne Magazine Australian Radio Control Modelling Magazine.
Micro Fasteners Micro Fasteners P/L Major stockist of miniature fasteners in Australia.
Hobby Tools Australia Hobby Tools Australia Supplier of a wide range of tools for hobbyists.
H. E. Supplies Hobby & Engineering Supplies Offers over 250,000 products for engineers and hobbyists.
Titanium Metal Supply Titanium Metal Supply Whether you are in need of products for aerospace, industrial, or aviation, Titanium Metal Supply has all of your supplies. (Poway, CA, USA.)

R/C Manufacturers

Link to web site/address Title Comments
Hitec RCD Hitec RCD Manufacturer of Radio Control Systems, Servos and Accessories.
OS Engines OS Engines Japanese manufacturer of quality R/C engines.
OS Engines Manufacturing Timeline OS Engines Manufacturing Timeline OS Engines manufacturing timeline commencing 1936.

Helpful Resources

Link to web site/address Title Comments
RCTrader RC Trader Australia's largest dedicated Radio Control classified listings & trading site.
Hooked-On-RC-Airplanes Hooked-On-RC-Airplanes.com A very useful resource for those getting started in R/C aero modelling. Plenty of tips for beginners and experienced alike.
ServoDatabase.com R/C Servo Specifications and Reviews Contains over 1800 servos and enables comparisons to be made.
RC Downunder RC Down Under A forum for model planes, helicopters, boats and cars.
easyrc easyrc - Tower Hobbies Tower Hobbies own this web site which provides a comprehensive yet easy-to-understand introduction to the hobby.
Southern Cross Community Connect Southern Cross Community Connect The Community Connect website allows anyone to submit their event details to be shared and promoted across Southern Cross Media's national network of television, radio and online media outlets, whereever you happen to be.
A Beginner's Guide To Model Cars A Beginner's Guide To Model Cars Educational toys never go out of style, regardless of the variety of video games and other electronic distractions produced over time. When it comes to developing both the creative and technical parts of a child’s mind, an option worth considering is building a scale model. There are several different types of scale models. One of the most popular involves building model cars. A simple visit to a hobby shop or car show may be all it takes to get kids interested in this particular type of activity.
Swell RC Swell RC Reviews Radio Control Models, such as Helicopters, Airplanes, Cars, Boats and other cool stuff like Radio Control Gear - Remotes, ESC's, batteries, motors. By reading our reviews you'll get a better feeling for the product and this might help you consider whether to buy it or not.
Scale Model Aircraft Scale Model Aircraft The modeller's aviation database. Includes tutorials and tips for beginners.
RC Model Aircraft RC Model Aircraft An RC aircraft blog, also with many interesting guides and articles.
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