Ballarat Radio Model Flying Club Inc.
Friday, 26 July 2024   2:31:31 AM (AEST)

Inc. No. A0062781D  

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BRMFC Committee

Past committee members

The current Committee of Management and Club Officers were elected at the AGM held on 27th September 2023.

Emails sent to the addresses shown are automatically forwarded on to the incumbent's preferred email account.

You can also use the Contact Us page to send email directly to the club representatives.

Committee of Management

Position Member Phone Mobile Email
President Alan Crisp   0414 487 856 president@brmfc.org.au
Vice President Peter Evans   0438 643 949 vicepresident@brmfc.org.au
Secretary Nigel Newby   0408 420 794 secretary@brmfc.org.au
Treasurer Roger Carrigg   0437 842 277 treasurer@brmfc.org.au
Ordinary Member 1 Graeme Allen 0403 032 283 ordinary1@brmfc.org.au
Ordinary Member 2 Steve Lunney   0414 581 642 ordinary2@brmfc.org.au

Club Officers

Position Member Phone Mobile Email
Public Officer The Secretary     secretary@brmfc.org.au
Publicity Officer Roger Carrigg   0437 842 277 editor@brmfc.org.au
Safety Officers Graeme Allen   0403 032 283 safety1@brmfc.org.au
First Aid Officer Nigel Newby   0408 420 794 n.newby@activ8.net.au
Newsletter Editor Roger Carrigg
(on hold)
  0437 842 277 editor@brmfc.org.au
Field Maintenance Murri Anstis   0413 353 739 maintenance@brmfc.org.au
  John Burman   0412 369 744 maintenance@brmfc.org.au

Past committee members

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