Ballarat Radio Model Flying Club Inc.
Friday, 14 March 2025   6:16:59 PM (AEDT)

Inc. No. A0062781D  

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Club Meetings

The club holds general meetings on the 4th Sunday of each month commencing at 11AM at the flying field. In January, if the meeting falls on Australia Day (26th) the meeting may be held the following Sunday.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held in July and takes place immediately before the ordinary meeting. This is when the committee for the following 12 months is elected.

What: Club Meetings.

When: 4th Sunday commencing at 11AM. (Excluding December)
The next meeting will be held on: Sunday, 23 March 2025  

Where: At the flying field located in Church Rd Trawalla.

History of meeting locations

We started holding the meetings at the Spreadeagle Road, Yendon field in January 2005 after the room we were using in town became unavailable. This was adopted as an interim measure but we soon found that attendances at the meetings increased, so we continued holding the meetings at the field.

The winter months made some meeting nights a bit harsh weather wise so from July 2011 we began using a combination of Findlay Engineering, Field Air Offices at Ballarat Airport and Gekko staff room. Since April 2015 we were using the Eastwood Street Leisure Centre on a regular basis.

Then along came COVID-19 in early 2020 which prevented us using the Eastwood Street Leisure Centre during lockdown. Once restrictions were eased we began using the Golden Plains Northern Community Centre (Haddon Hall), 390 Sago Hill Road Haddon, where the indoor flying is held on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday evenings between 7-9PM.

We decided to hold the meetings at the flying field on our regular Sunday flying day, commencing July 2024, now that we have the new portable building in a usable state.

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